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Legal Forms

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Important Notice : Lawyerintl.com strongly recommends that you seek independent legal advice from a qualified lawyer before using any of the forms on this site, in order that you can verify the forms are suitable for your needs.

Authorization To Release Credit Information



[First Name of recipient] [Last Name of recipient]
[Company Name of recipient]
[Street Address of recipient]
[State of recipient] [Zip Code of recipient]

Dear [Mr./Mrs. recipient] [Last Name of recipient]:

Thank you for your interest in establishing credit with our company. Enclosed is an authorization to release information.

Please sign the agreement below and complete the enclosed form. The enclosed form as well as your most recent financial statements are necessary documents to complete your application. Upon receipt we will contact your credit and bank references. Then we will contact you regarding your credit terms with our company.

Thank you,

Credit Manager


I/we authorize the investigation of my/our firm, and its related credit information. I/we have been requested to provide information to [Name of creditor] for their use in reviewing our creditworthiness.

I/we authorize the release of any and all information obtained during this credit search. I/we release any and all claims and liabilities against any and all parties involved with regards to the release of this information.

This form is valid for a period of [Days valid] days from the date below.

Signature Signature

Title Title

Date Date

Please keep a copy for your future reference. Thank you.